Legal services

Aquest servei  té per objectiu informar, assessorar, tramitar i defensar l’exercici dels drets de les persones sol·licitants de protecció internacional, refugiades, apàtrides i del conjunt de les persones desplaçades forçosament a Catalunya.

  • To provide information on the asylum procedures.
  • To investigate the respective situations in countries of origin in order to find evidence of the facts alleged by those seeking international protection.
  • To submit requests, reports and resources to the competent authorities, including local Government sub-delegation and office of asylum and refuge.

As part of these services a personal assessment of the refugees in respect to their nationality, relationship status, the type of asylum applied for and their family grouping is also carried out.


SICAR cat Program

Sicar cat is developing a legal assessment service for international protection and immigration law for female victims of human trafficking. 

Its primary concern consists of the detection of those potentially trafficked women, their access to the procedure of international protection, legal assistance and monitoring of the case throughout the procedure. In cases where victims are refused international protection, subsequent procedures in line with immigration law will be followed (article 59.bis).

Those organisations within the Network that offer this service are:

The ACSAR Foundation

(Through its legal service located in the Service Centre For Immigrants, Emigrants And Refugees, in the Barcelona City Council)