Social care and temporary reception programs

Temporary reception resources for those soliciting international protection

Temporary reception resources for those applying for international protection


The member organisations of the Network arrange resources for temporary reception of those soliciting international protection with the goal of covering their basic needs. In parallel we guarantee housing as well as work toward social inclusion of those soliciting international protection by means of: legal assistance, knowledge of the environment and language learning assistance. Our goal is to formalise and facilitate their smooth insertion into the local labour market.

Social provisions for those applying for international protection

The organisations within the Network manage the economic aid of refugees with the aim of contributing to their autonomy and minimising situations of vulnerability that they find.  This aid is intended to facilitate their access towards stable living conditions, occupational integration through the payment of scholarships, the fulfilment of occupational including coverage of their basic needs and support. Further, it is intended to manage emergency provisions for those in situations of special vulnerability.

The aim of this service is to provide pathways of social insertion that contribute to the personal development and full autonomy of those we assist.



The organisations within the Network that offer these services are:

Catalan Red Cross

Ubicada al Servei d’Atenció a Immigrants, Emigrants i Refugiats de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona